Shambhunath Saptari:In the next 5 years, the benefits of you-our people's representative are as follows./
अबको ५ बर्षमा तपाईं-हाम्रा जनप्रतिनिधिले सुबिधाहरू यसप्रकार छन्।।
The facilities available to the people's representatives from village to village, municipality to metropolitan are fuel, mobil, transport, internet, hospitality, drinking water, sanitation, festival expenses, meeting allowance, daily travel allowance, travel insurance, maintenance and electricity.
The facilities available to the municipal people's representatives are as follows.
गाउँपालिका, नगरपालिका देखि महा-नगरपालिका सम्म जनप्रतिनिधिहरुले पाइने सुबिधाहरू इन्धन,मोबिल,यातायात ,ईन्टरनेट ,अतिथी सस्कार,खानेपानी सरसफाइ ,चाडपर्व खर्च,बैठक भत्ता, दैनिक भ्रमण भत्ता,यात्रा बिमा,मर्मत सम्भार र बिधुत आदि सुबिधाहरू पाइने छन्।।
नगरपालिका जनप्रतिनिधिहरुले पाइने सुबिधाहरू यसप्रकार छन्।।
Facilities available to the people's representatives of the village.
गाउँपालिकाका जनप्रतिनिधिहरुले पाइने सुबिधाहरू।।
The facilities available to the people's representatives of the metropolitan municipality are as follows.