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बढ्यो सार्वजनिक ऋण,हरेक नेपालीको भागमा ६३ हजार रूपैयाँ ३१० ऋण।/Every Nepalese people loan has increased even more.

 Shambhunath Saptari: Every Nepali's loan has increased even more. According to a new fact, Nepal's per capita public debt has exceeded Rs.63,310.  (In 2078/2079 Bs)

बढ्यो सार्वजनिक ऋण,हरेक नेपालीको भागमा ६३ हजार रूपैयाँ ३१० ऋण।/Every Nepalese people loan has increased even more.

According to the Economic Survey, Nepal's public debt has reached Rs 1.848 trillion. In which, this loan was distributed to 291,92,480 people of Nepal. If it is divided among the people, it becomes 63,310.

However, this loan does not have to be repaid by the individual. The government is repaying the loan from the amount allocated every year. Only the people have to bear the cost. 

The government has utilized Rs. 47.94 billion through grants and loans till last February. During this period, foreign aid commitment has been received in the form of grants of Rs. 9.46 billion in loans and Rs. 126.07 billion.

(In Nepali language)

Shambhunath Saptari: प्रत्येक नेपालीको थाप्लोको ऋण झनै बढेको छ । नयाँ तथ्यअनुसार, नेपालको प्रतिव्यक्तिमा सार्वजनिक ऋण ६३ हजार नाघेको छन् ।

आर्थिक सर्वेक्षणअनुसार नेपालको सार्वजनिक ऋण १८ खर्ब ४८ अर्ब पुगेको बताइएका छन् । जसमा, यो ऋण नेपालको २ करोड ९१ लाख ९२ हजार ४ सय ८० जनताहरुमा भाग लगायो भने प्रति। जनतामा भागमा लगायो भने ६३ हजार ३ सय १० हुन हुनजान्छ ।

तर, यो ऋण व्यक्तिले तिर्नुपर्ने होइन । सरकारले हरेक वर्ष विनियोजन गरेको रकमबाट ऋण तिर्दै जान्छ । जनताले मात्र महङ्गाई भोग्नु पर्छ।

 सरकारले गत फागुनसम्म अनुदान र ऋण गरी  ४७ अर्ब ९४ करोड रुपैयाँ उपयोग गरेका छन् । र यस अवधिमा वैदेशिक सहायता प्रतिवद्धता भने अनुदानमा ९ अर्ब ४६ करोड ऋणमा र १ खर्ब २६ अर्ब ७ करोड बराबरको प्राप्त गरेका छन् ।

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