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खुद्रा बजारमा चिनीको मूल्य किलोमै २० रुपैयाँले महँगिएको छ/The price of sugar has increased up by Rs 20 per kg.In the retail market, Nepal.

Shambhunath Saptari: The price of sugar has increased up by Rs 20 per kg.In the retail market, Nepal. 

खुद्रा बजारमा चिनीको मूल्य किलोमै २० रुपैयाँले महँगिएको छ/The price of sugar has increased up by Rs 20 per kg.In the retail market, Nepal.

There is a shortage of sugar in the market due to the silence of the government body interfering in the market price and the sugar producers and shopkeeper's are hiding sugar. According to the Nepal Retail Trade Association, the retail price of sugar has increased from Rs 90 to Rs 110.

Union Statistics Officer Jyoti Thapa said. The price of sugar was Rs. 90 per kg in July 2021. However, the retail price of sugar had reached Rs.110.

According to the union, the price of sugar has increased up by Rs 10 to Rs 100 after the government did not allow its own corporation to import sugar. And then the local market shopkeeper's sell in Rs.120 per kg.

खुद्रा बजारमा चिनीको मूल्य किलोमै २० रुपैयाँले महँगिएको छ/The price of sugar has increased up by Rs 20 per kg.In the retail market, Nepal.

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