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Who is the Harka Sampang Rai./को हुन् हर्क सम्पाङ राई।। The Article of Harka Sampang Rai

Shambhunath Saptari: Who is the Harka Sampang Rai./ को हुन हर्क सम्पाङ राई ?

    (Articles written by: Anjesh Chaudhary)

को हुन् हर्क सम्पाङ राई।। The Article of Harka Sampang Rai

Hark Sampang Rai. The full name is Harkaraj Sampang Rai. Hark Sampang was an independent candidate for the post of mayor of Dharan. Not only that, walking alone for the election campaign was a struggle in the early days. He has always been an outspoken advocate of the people on important issues including drinking water and corruption and has won the hearts of many Dharans today.

(Nepali language)
हर्क सम्पाङ राई। पूरा नाम हर्कराज सम्पाङ राई हो । धरानका जनताको विकासमा सदैव सचेत र धरानवासीको आवाज बनेका उनी धरानका नागरिक हुन्।धरानको मेयरमा हर्क साम्पाङ स्वतन्त्र उम्मेदवार बनेका थिए । त्यति मात्र होइन, चुनावी प्रचारका लागि एक्लै हिँड्दा सुरुका दिनमा निकै संघर्ष गर्नुपरेको थियो । खानेपानी, भ्रष्टाचार लगायतका महत्वपूर्ण मुद्दाहरूमा जनताको सधैं मुखर वकालत गर्दै आएका उनले आज धेरै धरानवासीको मन जितेका छन् ।

He Said.

At first, I didn't have a million-dollar stage, I didn't have millions of VIP cars, I didn't have motorcycles, I didn't have flags, I didn't have flags and banners, I didn't have applause, I didn't have thousands of activists, I didn't have millions of mic sound systems. The independent candidate was won by the people. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Dharan and the entire Nepali people for making an impartial and single person the leader. Thanks everyone!

उहाँ भन्नुहुन्छ! (Nepali language)

सुरुमा, म सँग लाखौको सजि-सजाउ स्टेज थिएन,भि आइ पि करोडौं पर्ने गाडी मोटरसाइकलको लावालस्कर थिएन,ध्वजा पताका थिएन,झन्डा र ब्यानर थिएन,ताली पड्काउने भिड थिएन, हजारौं झोले कार्यकर्ता अघि पछि थिएन,लाखौ लाख माइक साउण्ड सिस्टम थिएन तर पनि स्वतन्त्र उमेद्वार लाई जनताले जिताइदियो। म धरान र सम्पुर्ण नेपाली जनता प्रति मुरी-मुरी धन्यवाद टक्र्याउन चाहन्छु।कि एउटा निस्पक्ष र एकललाई प्रमुख बनायो। सबैलाई धन्यवाद!

He went around Dharan and agitated for the rights of the people of Dharan. During the election campaign, he went to the crossroads and asked for votes alone. That means he fought alone, stood alone and did everything in his power for the benefit of the people of Dharan.
He sang a song to get the nationality out of his mind. He is also passionate about making Dharan a good place. Moreover, he is an army of one person who is an example that if you want to change you alone are enough. He also became a source of inspiration for all Nepalis people.

(Nepali language)
उहाँले धरानका चारैतिर घुमेर धरानवासीको अधिकारका लागि आन्दोलन गरे । चुनावी प्रचारका क्रममा उनले चोक–चोकमा पुगेर एक्लै भोट मागेका थिए । त्यसको अर्थ उनी एक्लै लडे, एक्लै उभिए र धरानका जनताको हितका लागि आफ्नो शक्तिले सबै गरे । राष्ट्रियतालाई मनबाट निकाल्ने गीत गाए । साथै धरानलाई राम्रो ठाउँ बनाउने उनको जोश छ । यसबाहेक, उहाँ एक व्यक्तिको सेना हुनुहुन्छ जुन उदाहरण हो कि तपाई परिवर्तन गर्न चाहनुहुन्छ भने तपाई एक्लै पर्याप्त हुनुहुन्छ। साथै उनी सम्पूर्ण नेपालीका लागि प्रेरणाको स्रोत बने ।

Independent candidate Hark Sampang won the mayoral election in Dharan.

He proved to be a living example of a politician emerging from the roots of society. Apart from this, he had become an independent candidate for mayor from Dharan in the local elections. His election symbol was 'Stick'. In a recent interview, Hark Sampang claimed that he was involved in corruption. He will then step down as mayor. He also said that he would not leave Dharan city and return. Here is a good head of state.
This is the story of a good head of state so far. Harkaraj Sampang Rai.

अन्त धरानको मेयरमा स्वतन्त्र उम्मेदवार हर्क साम्पाङ विजयी भए।

उहाँ समाजको जराबाट निस्कने राजनीतिज्ञको जीवित उदाहरण सबित भयो। यसबाहेक उनी स्थानीय निर्वाचनमा धरानबाट मेयरका लागि स्वतन्त्र उम्मेदवार बनेका थिए । उनको चुनावी चिन्ह ‘स्टिक’ अर्थात् नेपालीमा लौरो थियो । हालैको एक अन्तर्वार्तामा हर्क साम्पाङले आफू भ्रष्टाचारमा संलग्न भएको पाइए प्रमाण सहितको दाबी समेत गरेका छन् । त्यसपछि उनले मेयर पद छाड्ने छन् । साथै उनले धरान सहर छाडेर फर्केर नआउने बताए । यहिँ हो एउटा असल राज प्रमुख। जसले आफ्नो राज्य (ठाउँ) को लागि आफ्नो मान-समानको प्रभा नगरी राज्य प्रति बफादारी गर्नु।यहि हो एउटा असल राज्य प्रमुख को अहिले सम्म को कहानीहर्कराज सम्पाङ राई।

Mayor of Dharan

Articles written by: Anjesh Chaudhary
(कसैले प्रसंसाको भागिदार बन्दै छ भने त्यो मानिसमा असल सोभाबको मानिस बुझिन्छ।र म आज,ति असल ब्यक्तिको जीवनको बारेमा लेखन पाउदा खुशी लाग्यो। धन्यवाद! I don't know much about him, but I have written as much as I can. I hope you enjoy reading of articles. My 2nd articles. Hope You love it and really gain some experience.thank you)

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