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शम्भुनाथ नगरपालिका २ बस्ने I श्रीमानले बिदेशमा ५ वर्ष रहेर कमाएको पैसा र गरगहना लिएर श्रीमति आफ्नो प्रेमीसँग फरार IMrs. is absconding with her boyfriend

 Shambhunath Khoj Khaber || 

 A woman named Shanti Marik from Shambhunath Municipality-2 has been weeping abroad after her husband fled with her boyfriend after taking all the money and jewelery (property) earned by her husband while living abroad for five years. 

शम्भुनाथ नगरपालिका २  बस्ने शान्ति मरिक नाम भएको  एक महिलाले, श्रीमानले  बिदेशमा ५ वर्ष  रहेर कमाएको सबै पैसा र गरगहना (सम्पत्ति) लिएर  आफ्नो प्रेमीसँग फरार भएपछि उनको श्रीमान किशुन मरिक विदेशमा रुदैं बसेका छन् ।

Kishun Marik, 35, of Kanakpatti, has been living in Malaysia for the past three days after his wife Shanti Marik, 34, ran away with her boyfriend. Shanti Marik has absconded with all the wealth she has earned abroad for the past five years.

About 17 years ago, Kishun Marik and Shanti Marik were married. Shanti, a native of Gadhiya village in Rajbiraj of Saptari, had entered her boyfriend's house once before.According to her husband Kishun Marik, Shanti Marik ran away with her boyfriend Deepak Marik. Shanti Marik's husband Kishun Marik is currently in Malaysia with children in the village.

कनकपट्टी, बस्ने बर्ष ३५ का किशुन मरिकको अन्दाजी बर्ष ३४ की श्रीमति (पत्नी) शान्ती मरिक आफ्नो प्रेमीसँग भागेपछि मलेसिया बस्दै आएका किशुन विगत ३ दिनदेखि सुत्न पाएका छैनन् । विगत ५ वर्षदेखि विदेशमा कमाएको सबै धन सम्पती लिएर शान्ती मरिक  फरार भएकी हुन् ।
करिब १७ बर्ष अगाडी किशुन मरिक  र शान्ती मरिक वैवाहिक बन्धनमा बाँधिएको थियो । सप्तरीको राजविराज स्थित गढीया भन्ने गाउँमा माइती रहेको शान्ती यसअघि पनि एकपटक आफ्नो प्रेमीको घर पसेकी थिइन् । फोनबाट भएको प्रेममा परी शान्ती मरिक  आफ्नो प्रेमी दिपक मरिकसँग भागेकी उनका श्रीमान पीडित किशुन मरिकले बताए ।
शान्ती मरिककी श्रीमान किशुन मरिक हाल मलेसिया छ  भनने  छोराछोरी गाउँ मा।

Kishun, who returned home after being in Qatar for about two years, did not know that his wife was in love with others. He said, "Shanti had run away from her boyfriend Deepak's house about 5-6 months ago in this lockdown. At that time, my brothers brought her." When Shanti apologized, we reminded her.

२ वर्षजति कत्तारमा बसेर घर फर्केका किशुनले उनकी श्रीमति अरुसँग प्रेम सम्बन्धमा रहेको भनेर थाहा पाउन सकेनन् । उनले भने,–“यही लकडाउनमा शान्ती करिब ५-६ महिनाअघि पनि प्रेमी दिपकको घरमा भागेकी थिइन् , त्यो बेला मेरा भाइहरुले उनलाई ल्याए । शान्तीले माफीसाफी मागेपछि हामीले सम्झाएर राखेका थियौं ।

Kishun, who fled with Rs. Kishun Marik and Shanti Marik also have 3 children. She has left everyone and gone to peace. Kishun Marik has 2 sons and 1 daughter. The eldest is 15 years old, the youngest son is 13 years old and the daughter is 10 years old. Kishun's brother Bishun Marik informed that he fled with his belongings in his bag at around 8 am last Sunday.

शान्ती मरिकको नाममा रहेको बैंक खातामा ७ लाख ४० हजार रुपैयाँ सहित उनकै नाममा रहेको ३ कठ्ठा १० धुर जमिनको सबै कागजात पनि लिएर भागेकी किशुनले दुःखेसो पोखे । किशुन मरिक र शान्ती मरिकको ३ छोराछोरीहरु पनि छन् । सबैलाई छाडेर शान्ती पोइल गएकी हुन् ।
किशुन मरिकको २ छोरा र १ छोरी छन् । जेठा १५ बर्षका कान्छा छोरा १३ बर्षका र छोरी १० बर्षकी छिन् । गत आईतबार विहान करिब ८ बजेतर्फ नै ब्यागमा सबै समान हालेर भागेको किशुनका भाई बिशुन मरिकले जानकारी दिए ।

The victim Kishun Marik, who has been living in Malaysia for the past three years, has fled with other jewelry worn by Shanti while talking to the News Bureau. Her three children have been forced to cry after fleeing with her boyfriend. Although he was planning to come from Malaysia, he could not come after being trapped in Malaysia due to lockdown. Before Kishun's arrival, his wife escaped.

विगत ३ बर्षदेखि मलेसिया बस्दै आएका पीडित किशुन मरिकले न्यूज ब्यूरोसँग कुराकानी गर्दै शान्तीले लगाएकी अन्य गरगहना समेत लिएरै भागेकी हुन् । शान्ती प्रेमीसँग भागेपछि उनका ३ छोराछोरी पनि रुदैं बस्न बाध्य भएका छन् ।
उनले मलेसियाबाट आउने तर्खरमा रहेपनि लकडाउनका कारण मलेसियामा फँसेपछि आउन पाएनन् । आउने दिन तय भएका किशुनको आउनु अघि नै उनकी श्रीमति फरार भए।

According to Kishun Marik, Shanti Marik fled with Deepak Marik, a resident of Bariya village in Bode Bersain of Saptari. It is said that Shanti, who had run away with him before, betrayed him again by assuring him not to do so again.

किशुन मरिकका अनुसार, शान्ती मरिक सप्तरीको बोदे बरसाइन स्थित रहेको बैरिया गाउँ बस्ने दिपक मरिकसँग भागेकी हुन् । यसअघि पनि उनीसँगै भागेकी शान्तीले उनीहरुलाई आइन्दा यस्तो नगर्ने विश्वास दिलाएर पुनः विश्वासघात गरी भागेको बताइएको छ ।

After Shanti Marik fled with Rs. 740,000 and land documents, Kishun Marik is now homeless. He is now crying with regret after putting his property in his wife's name by believing too much.

शान्ती मरिकले ७ लाख ४० हजार रुपैयाँ र जमिनको कागजातहरुसँगै लिएर भागेपछि किशुन मरिक अहिले घरको न घाटको भएको छ । अति विश्वास गरेर श्रीमतिको नाममा सम्पतिहरु राखेपछि अहिले पछुतो गरि रोइरहेका छन् ।

He has made a photo of his wife Shanti Marik public and has requested the media to search and inform if anyone sees it.

उनले आफ्नो श्रीमति शान्ती मरिकको फोटो सार्वजनिक गर्दै कसैले देखेमा खोजिदिन र जानकारी गराइदिन आग्रह सँचारमाध्यमबाट गरेका छन् ।

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